Mohammed, the Validation Engineer

First name: Mohammed

Time at EDAG / year hired: October 2022

Title: Validation Engineer

How did you come to work at EDAG / why did you start down an engineering career path?

During the Covid pandemic, I made the switch to remote work for a software company, ensuring the safety of myself and my family. As the situation improved, and the virus posed less of a threat, I found myself longing to rekindle my passion for Automotive Engineering. It was time to re-enter the job market and explore opportunities aligned with my interests. Luckily, my recruiting company played a crucial role in connecting me with an interview at EDAG, and to my delight, I successfully secured a position with them. My journey into Automotive Engineering has been a long-standing affair, dating back to my early years. Witnessing the evolution of technology in the automotive sector fueled my curiosity, and now, working on diverse projects at EDAG , I am convinced that I'm on the right path. Each day at EDAG is a chance to make a meaningful impact on the automotive industry, and I'm relishing the opportunity to learn and grow professionally. It's not just a job; it's a fulfilling journey where my passion and career converge seamlessly.

What do you like most about working at EDAG?

I genuinely find the dynamic nature of this work to be its most appealing aspect. The collaborative environment not only fosters creativity but also presents continuous opportunities for learning and problem-solving, which is something I truly value. Within less than a year, I've not only achieved success but also had the chance to collaborate with an incredible international team and embark on frequent work-related travels. The fantastic atmosphere is the cornerstone of our team and the broader USA team. It's designed to support individuals in expanding their knowledge across diverse areas, offering valuable resources for personal and professional growth. A recent accomplishment for me was obtaining my high voltage level 2E qualification through a program facilitated by EDAG. This accomplishment mirrors the collective growth we're experiencing at EDAG, showcasing just one avenue among many for team members to catch up, evolve, and thrive.

What does a typical workday look like for you?

Every morning, I kick off my workday with a strong cup of coffee, ready to tackle the challenges of collaborating across different projects. The time difference with our European clients means I'm an early bird, diving into emails and ensuring that urgent matters are promptly dealt with. It's a bit like being a superhero, but instead of a cape, I've got a keyboard.

Once I'm in the office, I take a moment to prioritize my tasks for the day, creating a game plan that will guide me through the work jungle. Of course, not every day is spent at my desk – some weeks demand on-site presence. On those occasions, I play detective, figuring out which tasks are in the spotlight and need my immediate attention. It's all about navigating the project landscape and making sure the wheels (sometimes literally, in the case of vehicle prototypes) keep turning smoothly.

Whether I'm crunching numbers for a benchmark study or getting hands-on with test vehicles, every day brings something new to the table. It's this variety that keeps me on my toes and makes each workday a unique adventure in the world of vehicle development.

What are some of your hobbies / what do you do outside of work?

If it's summertime, you can probably find me riding a motorbike and exploring the routes that go up to the northern part of Michigan as I love to travel and ride. Wintertime means spending time indoors with loved ones. Aside from all of that, I like working on hobbies in the garage, like woodworking or helping buddies out with their vehicle projects.
